In this 8 week online course you will go from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to feeling calm and organized. Decluttering and organizing your home using the KonMari MethodĀ®, at your pace, with the accountability and support you need.Ā 

Join Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

Do you wishĀ that youĀ could invite people over without needing to tidy up first?Ā 

Are your weekends spent tidying before you can clean, and do you have the feeling it's only you that sees the clutter?

Before I learnt the strategies that I will teach you in Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢, this was me.

I felt permanently overwhelmed, but didn't know why.

I now know my house was not supporting the way I wanted to live.

Learn how toĀ declutter and organize your home easily.

Create a relaxing environment where you can cherish moments with your family.

No more stress from mess and disorganization.

When I completed applying the KonMari MethodĀ®Ā in our home, my then 5-year-old noticed the positive change, telling me I was a nicer mummy.Ā 

Embrace a more organized and joyful life with Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢.

Say goodbye to chaos and overwhelm!

You are right for Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢Ā if you want to create a home that allows you to say sayonara to stress, overwhelm, and the continual feeling that you need to be tidying up.

ClutterĀ Free Ever Afterā„¢Ā is for you if you want to rediscover the joy in your home, and have systems for tidying that are quick and maintainable for you and your family.Ā Ā 

Or if you areā€¦

a busy mum, who feels like she is drowning in the clutter everyone else is creating

juggling home and a career, and feel like you never have the time to look after your home as you would like to

someone who has tried tidying up before, but end up back at square one in a short time.

lacking the motivation to get started with organizing your home, or if you do start, know it's hard to follow through with all the distractions that life throws at you

someone who knows that having a tidy home would be like applying a layer of self-care into your life

someone who finds staying organized super difficult, and has an ADHD diagnosis

needing some accountability and support to motivate you and celebrate your wins

You're in the right place!


you will haveā€¦


  • Learnt How To Visualise How You Would Like Your Home To Be

    You canā€™t change how itā€™s been, but you can change how it will be! You wouldn't set off on holiday without knowing where the destination is.Ā Tidying your home is exactly the same. You now have a clear understanding of what your goal is, so you will know you have been successful.Ā 

  • Understood The KonMari MethodĀ® And How To Apply It In Your Home

    With clear instruction, and practical strategies you now have the skills to apply the KonMari MethodĀ® to any category of items in your home. This means you will always be able to maintain the systems you have created.Ā 
  • A Clear Understanding Of What Sparks Joy For You

    Now your home only contains items that spark joy for you. Walking into your home is now a calm and relaxing experience.
  • Decluttered Areas Of Your Home By Category

    Gratitude turns what you have into enough. You have let go of the things that were not serving you.Ā Ā Ā 
  • RealisedĀ That You Will No Longer Need to Be Continually Tidying

    Mess causes stress. By decluttering you now have less to tidy, freeing up your time to do the things you want to do.
  • Created A System For Storing Items That Is Maintainable

    Everything now has a home to go back to.Ā Now the rest of the family can help to tidy, and don't have to keep asking you where things are. You can leave the house without needing to search for things making you life calmer and more joyful.Ā 
  • Learnt How To Find The Time To Do The Work

    We all have the same 24 hours in a day. You willĀ learn how to create small pockets of time to get your decluttering and organizing done.
  • Learnt How ToĀ Develop New Habits So You Don't Ever Have To Go Back To How It Was!

    You need to know how to do things differently if things are going to be different this time!

Registration ends...









Enroll in ClutterĀ Free Ever After Today

VIP Experience


*Only 5 places available

Book a call to secure your place

3 monthly payments of



2 monthly payments of



One time payment of



Learning With Caroline

'The real transformation is something you canā€™t see, namely, the change in our familyā€™s relationship to our possessions, how we take care of them, and vice versa. Weā€™re still applying what Caroline taught us, and our home not only looks better than ever, it also works better and we feel better in it, too.'

Kristen, Germany

'This course is absolutely LIFE CHANGING! I've struggled with keeping our house in order, and felt frustrated that the clutter and chaos just seemed to grow no matter what I did. Caroline's systems and strategies are so helpful, and her delivery so calming - I love listening to her trainingsĀ while I'm tackling laundry etc. I enjoy decluttering so much now. It's incredibly satisfying, and my little kids have gotten into it themselves, doing the folding, and they love being able to see and access just the clothes they wear and like. And that's just a part of the course. DO NOT HESITATE! This is such value, it should be priced with an additional zero. Jump in now, and invest in your family's peace and calm.'

Maria ,Ā USA

My Clients Love This Course

'The course was great and helped me out of my motivation hole, where I was stuck after successfully tidying my wardrobe, books, and half of the kitchen. Thank you so much!

The course really was a major win.'

Christy, Germany

'It is not advertised as Marie Kondo for Adult ADHD, yet I .. got many practical, achievable tips and I was successfully able to apply them to my home and family life.Ā All mediated in a safe and comfortable and open setting! You have added richness to my life. YOU HAVE MADE AN IMPACT on me and my day-to-day lifestyle.

You have gifted me lifetime skills. I am very grateful.'

Rikki, Canada

VIP Experience



Ā (price goes up after Monday 30th September)

Extra custom 1:1 feedback and support

The whole course as well as four 1 hour online sessions with Caroline

Also available in 3 monthly payments of 220ā‚¬

*Only 5 places available


Whatā€™s Inside in Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢?

When you enroll during this special
(limited time period)

you will get:Ā 

Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢


  • 5 Modules over 8 weeks

    Guiding you through the theory and practice of decluttering key areas of your home so that you can stop needing to tidy up.Ā 

  • 8 weeks of liveĀ coaching and Q&A

    You don't need to sit at home stuck. Caroline is there to support you every step of the way. Whatever your specific questions are, you can get them answered every week in our live coaching call, so you can keep moving forward!Ā 
  • Overcome isolation and constantly refill your motivation tank with our Facebook group

    It's sometimes hard to keep moving forward if you feel like the motivation is lacking. Life has a habit of taking you off track, but you will have a supportive group to keep you going. This time you are going to succeed! You will have daily motivation from Caroline, the chance to post your before and after photos and ask questions as soon as you get stuck. You can also find an accountability partner if you so wish.Ā 
  • Implementation week

    Sometimes with online programs you can start to feel like you are getting behind. There will be two weeks where no new content will be available, just the live coaching session, giving you a chance to 'catch up' and consolidate what you have already learnt, and ask questions if you are feeling stuck.Ā 

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Achieve Your Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

Join Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

Hereā€™s what youā€™re getting when you enroll today:


Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢ a comprehensive 5 module online course with lifetime access

  • Bonus 1: 8Ā weeks of live coaching and Q&A sessions
  • Bonus 2:Ā How to KonMariĀ®Ā a kid's bedroom
  • Bonus 3:Ā Comprehensive declutteringĀ  checklists
  • Bonus 4:Ā A months free membership in Clutter Free Collective
  • Bonus 5: Weekly online co-working sessions
  • Bonus 6: Private Facebook group

When you enroll today, youā€™ll get access to everything for just 297ā‚¬


Are you joining us?Ā 


Yes! Sign me up!

Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Here's why you can place your confidence in a money back guarantee and set any enrollment nerves aside.

By the end of 14 days of the program starting, you will have received access to the first two modules of Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢.

Meaning you have had the opportunity to visualiseĀ your ideal home life, fully understand the KonMari MethodĀ®, begin to declutter the first category, and attend 2 weekly lives before making a final commitment.

If you don't feel totally confident and motivated byĀ your progress and the support you are receivingĀ by 4:00 PM CEST onĀ October 21st 2024, simply reach out, show me you've put in the work, and I will refund you your investment.

Burning Qā€™s youĀ are likely to be asking before grabbing your access:

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I'm going to need to learn and execute inside this programme. Are you sure I can do this?

I'll be totally upfront with you.

Yes, there's a significant amount of things I'm going to ask you to learn and implement inside Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢.

Yes it's probably going to get a little uncomfortable at times, especially when it comes to sentimental items.

Yes there could be moments when you might curse my name out loud and scare your neighbours or pets (I'll forgive you in advance)

But here's the thing...

As long as you're willing to invest aĀ a bit of time every week and reach out for help every time you get stuck, you can absolutely do this.

You've probably recognised by now thatĀ nothing is going to change and get easier unless you do something different.Ā 

If you're reading this, I'm sure you actually want to put in the effort and feel like you've earned the life changing outcomes thatĀ applying the KonMari MethodĀ®Ā can provide.

You just want to make absolutely sure that every amount of effort you invest in executing the course will move you closer to the end result.

And that's my big promise to you. You'll never waste your time or energy, and you'll always feel like everything you are doing is bringing you one step closer to a living space and a life that sparks joy.


Frequently AskedĀ Questions

Enroll in 

Declutter Your Life, Find The Joy Today

2 Monthly Payments of




3 Monthly Payments of



A One-Time Payment of



If you're thinking ā€˜this soundsĀ amazing,but I'm still not 100% sureā€™ keep reading...?

You should give ClutterFree Ever Afterā„¢Ā a 14 day risk free shot if you're motivated by any of the following:


You want your life back. BADLY.

You dream of having time to pursue a hobby, spend more time with the family, or heck, just to have some downtime during your busy week. More importantly, you'd prefer not to be spending your time thinking about all the jobs you could/should be doing, and be able to just switch off, knowing it's all under control.


You have tried to get on top of things before, and ended up back at square one.

You have done the tidying by room, and know it doesn't work. You want to find the solution that is right for you and your family, but it also has to be maintainable.Ā But above all else, you're ready, willing and excited to roll up your sleeves and get to work - for the last time!


You recognise there is no perfect time and waiting is not the answer.

That doesn't mean you don't break a sweat when you think about pressing the buy button below and investing in your clutter free ever after. But it does mean you're fully aware that it's ā€˜one day or Day Oneā€™ and only YOU can decide. For what it's worth, if there ever was a ā€˜right timeā€™ it would be now.

Still on the fence?

This is your Ā chanceĀ to join Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

So what's it gonna be?

Join Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

I can't wait for youĀ Ā to joinĀ Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢

There is a life changing magic to tidying up...

But it requires a little work from you, and alot of guidance and support from me.Ā 

Whether you have set your heart on regaining control of your home and your life...

Or whether you simply want to experience the joy of knowing where everything lives, so that you can stop needing to tidy upā€¦

Applying the KonMari MethodĀ® in your home can help you achieve that.

(Okay... that feels pretty magical)

But here's a little insider scoop...

You are not needing to aim for Instagram ready perfection.Ā You want enough progress that you can see and feel the difference it makes in your life.Ā 

Can I let you into a secret? I was like you. I was feeling disorganized and overwhelmed, and organization does NOT come naturally to me.Ā 

I have 3 kids (2 with ADHD, and one with autism), a husband, a dog, 2 cats and 2 rabbits. Life gets messy! The house gets messy!

But I have learnt the the best ways to declutter, organize and maintain a home, and now I want to shareĀ them with you.

I am a KonMariĀ® certified Gold level consultant with over 800 client hours under my belt.Ā 

There is room for you at the table, and I'm here to walk alongside you, every step of the way.

I can't wait to meet you, coach you, and cheer you on insideĀ Clutter Free Ever Afterā„¢.

All my best,


Enroll in ClutterĀ Free Ever After Today

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