Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place. 
Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place. 

I've created this membership just for you. 

Hey there, I'm Caroline, a KonMari® Gold level Consultant, and I'm thrilled to introduce you to the Clutter Free Collective. Together, we'll embark on a journey to declutter, organize, and create a home that not only sparks joy, but is in harmony with the principles of the KonMari Method® – all with the support you've been craving!

What's Inside This Membership?

1. Monthly Live Workshop:

   - Engage in a monthly live workshop hosted by me, your personal decluttering cheerleader using the KonMari Method®.

   - Ask questions and get personalized advice during our interactive Q&A sessions, ensuring you're never on this journey alone.

 - Each month the recording will be available so you never need to miss out!

2. Exclusive Facebook Community:

   - Join our supportive community of like-minded women, because conquering clutter is always better together.

   - Daily motivation, tips, and monthly challenges tailored to the KonMari Method® to keep you inspired and accountable – no more struggling on your own!

3. Monthly Challenges & Celebrations:

   - Participate in fun and rewarding challenges inspired by the KonMari® approach to keep your momentum strong.

   - Celebrate wins, big or small, with a community that understands the power of a clutter-free life guided by the KonMari Method®.

4. Membership Platform

 - Access to your membership platform where all your complimentary resources will be available. 


Why Join?

Transform Your Space: Discover the joy of living in a clutter-free and organized home, following the principles of the KonMari Method®.

Time Freedom: Implement systems inspired by KonMari® that save you time and energy.

Supportive Community: Connect with women sharing the same KonMari®-inspired journey, cheering each other on.

Financial Freedom: Learn new buying habits that save you money and discover how to make money by selling things that no longer spark joy.

It's Especially For You If:

You Struggle to Stay Motivated: You have every intention of getting the work done, but can't ever seem to get finished. Life is full of distractions!

We've got your back with regular inspiration and a community cheering you on.

You Need Accountability: You are going to do the work tomorrow, right? Except tomorrow never comes.

No more going it alone – our community, guided by the KonMari Method®, will keep you on track.

ADHD Friendly: Your diagnosis means that it is near impossible to stay on task or even get started. 

Our approach is designed to be especially helpful for individuals with ADHD, providing structure and support in a way that suits your unique needs.

Family-Focused: It's all down to you. No-one else seems to care if things are piling up, and it leaves you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

Learn strategies to involve your family in the decluttering process, making it a team effort.

Take Action!

 Monthly Investment: 25€

(Cancel Anytime: No long-term commitments. Stay as long as it serves you.)



Join Us Today and Unlock:

- A clutter-free home, guided by the KonMari Method®

- Time for the things you love, with KonMari®-inspired efficiency

- A supportive community cheering you on, embracing the KonMari® joy


Ready to Embrace the Joy of a Clutter Free Life with KonMari®?